Darul Qiraat Al Basita
Today a great number of Islamic schools are serving the community. One such Institution is Darul Qira'at All Basitia which has been serving for the past 35 years. Darul Qira'at Al-Basitia is an institution where the Qur'anic teachings are imparted without any fee in any from. The founder teaches only for Allah and expects the returns only from Allah. The
Founder of the school, respected Ustazul Qurra Hazrat Moulana Qari Mohammed Ali Khan Saheb B.Sc. (Osm) Saudi Awarded is striving, since the inception of the school, that Al Qur'aan should be thought on the lines enjoined
by Allah and practiced by the last prophet Hzt. Mohammed Mustafa (SAWS).

Ustazul Qurra Hazrath Maulana Qari Mohammad Ali Khan
Ustazul Qurra Hazrath Moulna Qari Mohammed Ali Khan Sahab, (B.S.c.) Award winner of Saudi Arabia, has rendered valuable service to this institution and because of his efforts more than 50,000 (fifty thousand) students have
received education from this educational institution.
By Ustazul Qurra Hazrath Moulana Qari Mohammed Ali Khan Sahab(B.Sc)
Saudi Awarded
(The Biggest Reciter of India)
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Darse Yassarnal Qur'aan (English), Qiraat Recitstions Mujawwid Style, Darse Qira'at & Azaan, Lectures, and many more......